Thoughts of a Shaytonian

Location: Queensland, Australia

Author of a vampiric race of slaves that are fighting for survival. One decides to fight for more, to live, not just survive. The Shaytonian Chronicles are about that battle.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

The World of the Shaytonian

Want a sample from the Shaytonian chronicles?

Vampire fiction set in another dimension in space

Cliche yes, funny, sometimes, maybe a little too much sex and violence? You can never have too much sex and violence. Full of werewolves, mermaids and togas.

An insightful glance into the human condition with subtle commentry on issues as diverse as incest, rascism and what to do on Saturday night? Sort of. Take from it what you will.

The flaring lights of sky highlight the constant struggle beneath. Trapped between reality and death, every scrap of life fights for each moment of existence. To stop fighting is to die.

In death, you return to the soil, to be reborn as new life, that starts the fight again.

There is no stopping, but there is respite, small pockets of calm can exist for precious moments, and in those moments, life can take a breath and wonder at all the harsh beauty.

But it is only a moment. Then the struggle resumes.