Thoughts of a Shaytonian

Location: Queensland, Australia

Author of a vampiric race of slaves that are fighting for survival. One decides to fight for more, to live, not just survive. The Shaytonian Chronicles are about that battle.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Question 13: Where from here?

Question 13: So where does the story go from here?

Wolf and Man is set well in the future. Imagine the world of Mad Max or Dark Angel. The need of the Shaytonians to hide from humans is greater than ever.

So now they must find out who has been hiding from them.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Question 12: Why the history lesson?

Question 12: Why the history lesson?

There is a long lesson in the middle of Talkar growing up. Why put all that lot in, I mean you cover it other places, we don't need to go to school."

The reason I left that in is because it is important for the reader to realise some things about both the shaytonian people and how they think, and especially, how Talkar feels about it all.

I have taken it out, but whenever I do, then people miss a lot of things and frankly get confused. It's sort of like pre-reading a text book. you don't have to, but lordie, it makes life easier.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Question 11: Why change Talkar's name to Tamal?

Why Change Talkar's Name?

Tamal's Jouneys, the second book of the Shaytonian chronicles, was pretty much all Talkar so why bother to change his name? If it is just for the mystery, it's too confusing.

Tamal is not just Talkar. Tamal has been a body that has housed the souls of shaytonian royalty since the beginning of the shard's history.

Bodies destroyed just as they were entering a portal could be transported into Tamal as a sort of holding area until they recovered.

The link between Tamal's world and the Shard has been hinted at, but the full story not yet explained.

Maybe in the next book. :)